Los proyectos que ofrecemos no requieren de gran nivel de experiencia y son accesibles a la mayorÃa de estudiantes. De hecho, ni los proyectos de Peter, ni la mayorÃa de los proyectos de Esther requieren de maquina de coser hasta la fase del acolchado!
Si, como esperamos, os apetece hacer mas de un curso durante vuestra estancia aqui, estaremos encantados de organizarlo.
The projects we offer do not require any great level of experience and are accessible to pretty much anybody. In fact, neither Peter's projects nor the majority of Esther's require a sewing machine until the quilting phase at the very end!
In the hopefully likely event that you wish to take advantage of having come this far to do two or three consecutive courses, we would be happy to tailor your retreat accordingly.
Aprenderas a usar el color y la forma para crear este quilt 3D.
Descripcion:El Hemisferio se realiza usando la tecnica de entrelazado simple. Hay que entrelazar tiras de telas muy bien cortdadas que sean fusionado con entretela.
Materiales: El Kit incluye todo lo que necescitaras para hacer 2 Hemisferios y podras elejir tu color entre una amplia gama de colores.
Duración: El curso dura dos dias y medio, dejando solo el acolchado y el bies por terminar.
Learn how to use colour and shape to create this 3D illusion
Description: The Hemisphere is made by interweaving strips of carefully cut fabric which have been fused onto interfacing.
Materials: The kit includes everything you need to make 2 Hemispheres and an extensive range of colours from which to choose.
Duration: The course lasts for 2 and a half days , leaving only the quilting and binding for later
Cubo al Cubo
Cubo al Cubo
Aprenderas a usar el color y la forma para crear este quilt 3D.
Descripcion: El Cubo se realiza usando la tecnica de entrelazado "triaxial". Hay que entrelazar tiras de telas que sean fusionado con entretela.
Materiales: El Kit incluye todo lo que necescitaras para hacer un cubo y podras elegir tus tres telas de una amplia gama de colores.
Duración: El curso dura tres dias, dejando solo el acolchado y el bies por terminar.
Cube Cubed
Cube Cubed
Learn how to use colour and shape to create this 3D illusion.
Description: The Cube is made by triaxially weaving strips of fabric which have been fused onto interfacing.
Materials: The kit includes everything you need to make a Cube and there is an extensive range of colours from which to choose any three.
Duration: The course lasts for 3 days , leaving only the quilting and binding for later.